domenica 10 gennaio 2010

Iran minaccia di chiudere Hormuz

10 Gennaio 2010
L'Iran ha minacciato di chiudere lo Stretto di Hormuz nel caso di un attacco militare contro i siti nucleari del paese. Gli analisti dicono che Teheran potrebbe cercare di bloccare la via commerciale vitale per le rotte del petrolio, qualora venissero imposte , da parte dell’Occidente, sanzioni più severe al regime iraniano . Circa il 40 per cento del petrolio utilizzato al mondo provienente dalla regione del Golfo passa per lo stretto di Hormuz .

-- Oil movements through the strait account for roughly 40 percent of all seaborne oil traded in the world, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

-- The EIA estimates tankers carry between 16.5 and 17 million barrels of crude through the narrow channel daily.

-- Ninety percent of oil exported from Middle East Gulf producers is carried through the strait.

-- The bulk of the oil exported through the Strait of Hormuz travels to Asia, the United States and Western Europe. About three-quarters of Japan's oil imports and about 50 percent of China's pass through this strait.

-- An additional 2 million barrels of oil products, including fuel oil, are exported through the passage daily, as well as liquefied natural gas (LNG).

-- The world's largest LNG exporter, Qatar, ships a total of 31 million tonnes annually through the strait to Asia and Europe.

-- The EIA predicts oil exports passing through the strait will double to between 30 million and 34 million barrels per day by 2020.

-- One of U.S. Central Command's key missions in the Gulf is to ensure the free flow of oil and energy supplies.

-- The U.S. Fifth Fleet patrols the Gulf from its base in Bahrain.

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